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Computational Linguistics: Researcher (Postdoc or Doctoral Researcher)

University or Organization: University of Potsdam, Germany
Department: Department of Linguistics
Job Location: Potsdam, Germany
Web Address: http://www.uni- potsdam.de/ english/

Job Rank: Researcher (Postdoc or Doctoral Researcher)

Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics


The Theoretical Computational Linguistics group at the Linguistics Department of the University of Potsdam, Germany, is seeking a postdoctoral or doctoral researcher to join a team working on linguistically informed
data-driven approaches to parsing, corpus analysis and computational semantics.

The starting date for this position is approximately July 2008, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The successful candidate will work on some of the following research strands:
– machine learning and stochastic methods building on deep linguistic processing
– weakly supervised learning techniques for NLP and corpus annotation (bootstrapping, co-training, active learning)
– exploitation of parallel corpora for NLP tasks (e.g. annotation projection)
– machine learning approaches to information- structural categories (given/new, topic, focus)
– data-driven approaches to computational semantics

Our group participates in the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 632) on Information Structure (as project D4; http://www.sfb632. uni-potsdam. de/) and other research projects.

Candidates should hold a degree in computational linguistics, computer science or a related discipline. Ideal candidates will have an interest in computational syntax/semantics, good programming skills and experience in machine learning and/or stochastic methods and corpus methodology. A background in linguistic theory, grammar formalisms (in particular Lexical-Functional Grammar), and formal semantics will be a plus.

The position is temporary; the initial duration is 15 months, with possible extensions subject to the availability of funding and the rules of the German Hochschulrahmengese tz (Framework Act For Higher Education).

The salary and social benefits are determined by the German pay scale for state employees (Entgeltgruppe: 13 TV-Laender, Tarifgebiet Ost). Doctoral researchers will be employed on a part-time position, following the DFG policy, and will have the opportunity of pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of Potsdam.

The University of Potsdam offers a highly attractive academic environment:
the dynamic division of Computational Linguistics is part of a strong Linguistics Department, which has interdisciplinary ties with Psychology and Computer Science. At the same time, Potsdam is a very nice, yet
affordable living environment, with world-famous castles and parks, surrounded by lakes and forests. Last but not least, Germany’s vibrant capital Berlin is just a 30-minute train ride away.

The University of Potsdam is an equal opportunity employer.

Interested candidates are invited to send their application materials (including a CV, [links to] sample publications, and [names and email addresses of] two or three references), preferably by email.

Applications received by the deadline will receive fullest consideration; however, we will continue to accept applications until the position has been filled.

Application Deadline: 16-Jun-2008 (Open until filled)

Email Address for Applications: gerlof@ling. uni-potsdam. de
Contact Information:
Prof. Dr. Jonas Kuhn
Email: kuhn@ling.uni- potsdam.de
Phone: +49 331 977-2444
Fax: +49 331 977-2761

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