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University of Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) for Students from Any Country

Up to 10 scholarships may be available for outstanding international students from any country, to undertake postgraduate research at the University of Adelaide in 2011.

The University of Adelaide offers a scholarships scheme for international students undertaking postgraduate research study. Its purpose is to attract high quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort. The selection for scholarships is extremely competitive.

Up to 10 prestigious scholarships may be available in the mid year round of scholarships for 2011 to outstanding international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in any academic discipline.


  • ASI Scholarship will be awarded strictly on academic merit. Extra-curricular
    achievements will not be considered.
  • Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand
    are ineligible.
  • Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
  • International applicants are not eligible for an ASI if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an ASI in the last round of the previous calendar year.
  • International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an ASI.
  • International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
  • Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain ‘international student’ status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
  • Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in
    Semester 2, 2011. No ASI may be commenced after 30 November.
  • Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2012.
  • Applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.

Further Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) information and application:

Adelaide Graduate Centre
Level 6
115 Grenfell Street
SA 5005

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